About me
Hi, my name is Andy. This is my blog about my personal journey to becoming “that girl.” Being “that girl” means practicing healthy habits, nourishing your body, having self confidence, and discipline to push yourself to continue growing. I currently could not be farther from that.
I’m currently the type of person who spends more time wishing I could be all those things and watching videos to help me become “that girl.” All the while spending less time actually putting it into actions. Well, enough is enough.
I’ll be trying different activities and habits and writing my thoughts about the experience. I realize becoming “that girl” isn’t going to happen overnight, and I don’t know if I’ll every reach a point where I’m fully satisfied with the person I am. That being said, that’s been one of my biggest reasons I’ve always failed at things. I’m more concerned about the end goal rather than enjoying the journey and giving myself credit for the progress I’ve made.
Here’s to being kind to ourselves in our journey to self improvement!